Saturday 23 September, NPP joined staff from BASF at the Gelecegimizin Cokcuklari Vakfi school and hostel in the Fatih district of Istanbul to paint the buildings. NPP visited the project again with BASF on Thursday 02 November to check the work done.
BASF company magazine report:
Photographs from the NPP home photo album
and Moripek 0212 249 58 77 .......
Staff at the Children's Foundation
Yurtta Sulh Cihanda Sulh - Peace at Home, Peace in the World
How it later looked after amendments
How it looked
Inside the front gate a couple of days later, Ned had returned to start the tidying up process
Inside the front gate
Dr. Gerhard Schwarz's hand print
Ned directs Dr. Schwarz
The boss gets his painting gear on
BASF regional boss Dr. Gerhard Schwarz discussing events with local Fatih authorities
Cleaning brushes etc.
Cleaning a paint roller
This is how it looked at one stage - later Ned returns to make amendments
Chaos ensues
The kids and staff appear to be paying attention
Ned gives instructions
BASF staff begin to arrive
Ready to paint
The main school and office building
The main entrance
Burak Gozum from Maker Events introduces NPP to the GCV school in Fatih.
It is a foundation set up to provide a home for ex-homeless children.
German chemical company BASF had supplied specialist building materials for the construction process and the next stage was to paint the external facades.